We Tried the Trendy “Bioresonance Test for Dog Allergies” — Here’s Our Honest Review

A bioresonance dog allergy test is a natural and non-invasive method to detect possible allergens.

Food allergies account for only 10-15% of all the allergies seen in dogs, environmental allergies are much more common.

I found the procedure very interesting and non-stressful for my dog.

Bioresonance is not a scientifically proven method, but there are real-life cases that show its effectiveness.

My dog Gino is hyper-allergic. Ever since we got him as a puppy, we’ve been struggling with various health issues such as excessive tear staining, inflamed skin, itchy ears, vomiting — you get the idea. At first we dealt with each problem individually, but then we started thinking there must be some underlying root cause for all this. 

Dog allergies. It seems like they have become the new hot topic for dog parents. Are allergies really becoming more and more common or do we just pay more attention to them nowadays?

Maybe a better question is how do you know if your dog has allergies and what can you do to help?

There are many different ways to test for dog allergies. The most common dog allergy tests include:

  • serum testing,

  • blood testing,

  • intradermal skin testing,

  • skin biopsy,

  • and a bioresonance test.

There are two big differences between these tests: how invasive and how reliable they are. 
I’ve decided to start with the least invasive one that’s been gaining in popularity in the past few years: a bioresonance test for dogs.
There are various dog allergy tests available.

What is a bioresonance dog allergy test?

If you’re wondering what a bioresonance test for dogs is… it’s a natural and non-invasive procedure using electromagnetic waves to identify any potential allergens that cause an allergic reaction in your dog.

Or a simpler version…

“A bioresonance test for dogs is a natural method to detect and recognize possible allergies and what is causing them with the help of electromagnetic waves.”

Even though bioresonance is not a scientifically proven method, many real-life cases show that it can help detect and ease various health problems, including allergies in dogs.

Bioresonance for dogs can be used both as an allergy test and a therapy.

It is a safe and gentle test that doesn’t require any medication and can help us gain better insights into our dog’s health.

Types of dog allergies

Dogs are rarely allergic to only one thing.

The most common types of dog allergies are contact and food allergies. A lot of people still think most dog allergies are linked to nutrition, but that’s NOT true.

Food allergies account for only 10‐15% of all the allergies seen in dogs. 

Contact allergies or environmental allergies are much more common. They’re caused by allergens coming in contact with your dog’s skin and provoking an allergic reaction.

The most common allergens include grass, pollen, dust mites, molds, and flea bites. 

Food allergies, on the other hand, develop if your dog consumes the allergens, which are usually different types of protein.

People often confuse food intolerance with food allergy. Food sensitivities, unlike true allergies, do not involve an immune response and are a gradual reaction to a particular ingredient in your dog’s food.

What do dog allergies look like? Most common symptoms

A lot of symptoms linked to dog allergies can have other causes as well.

That’s why it’s super important to observe your dog at all times and make a veterinary appointment straight away when you notice any of the following:

  • Excessive licking
  • Compulsive scratching
  • Periodic chewing on the same or different body parts or areas
  • Regularly rubbing body or body parts against the ground, walls, furniture, etc.
  • Frequent sneezing and/or wheezing
  • Skin irritation/fur loss
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Itchy ears & chronic ear infections
  • Itchy, runny eye
  • Excessive tear staining
  • Frequent running nose

Sometimes vets can dismiss some of these symptoms as unalarming and harmless and that’s accurate in most of the cases.

However, if you can still see that something is off with your dog for a longer period of time, we highly suggest that you seek a second opinion or even consult with a dog dermatologist specialized for recognizing and treating allergies.

Whenever you notice a change with your dog, it is very useful to take pictures so you can keep the track record and even show details to your vet.

I noticed the first allergy symptoms with my dog – a tiny Maltese Gino (@flouffygino) – already almost a year ago. At first, it looked like a usual tear staining, which is very common for many breeds, especially Maltese.

In just a few weeks, it rapidly developed into an excessive tear staining that went beyond just “an aesthetic issue.”

Gino’s allergy became a serious health problem.

His eyes were always inflamed, and the tearing got so bad that I had to wipe his eyes all the time to avoid skin irritation. In addition to that, the whole eye area developed an unpleasant smell.

And that was not all. Also his skin on the belly and back legs turned pink or slightly reddish.

At first, we tried to eliminate food allergens

When Gino’s tear staining issues began, my first go-to person was, of course, our veterinarian at the time. I was super confident that we’ll just schedule an appointment, have Gino examined and find a solution. I couldn’t be more wrong!

Our (ex-)vet dismissed us with something like “tear staining is completely normal for Maltese dogs” and despite my persuasive arguments, we were sent home. I started Googling anything I could find about dog allergies! We tried all possible home remedies and nothing helped so I decided to try to solve this problem with a professional dog nutritionist.

As soon as the nutritionist saw Gino, she noticed symptoms of a dog allergy.

To figure out if the issue was with Gino’s food, she developed an Elimination Food Diet for him. 

That basically means that you take food that your dog has never tried before and you give him only that and observe if anything changes. Of course, the only way to control exactly what’s inside of the food is to cook meals at home. Which is great, but super time-consuming. Especially if you work all day like me and you don’t even have time to cook for yourself!

Now imagine preparing a wild rabbit, rice, and zucchini every couple of days (no, they don’t sell fillets of rabbit where we live, you actually have to buy a whole rabbit and chop it). Even though my partner and I were fully committed and did everything as told, the allergy symptoms didn’t disappear. So we changed rice with buckwheat porridge and did another few weeks of that diet.

I was getting desperate which is why Gino’s nutritionist suggested we speed up the process and try the bioresonance test. The whole idea is that this test shows you which food may be problematic for your dog so you can figure out the right food combination much quicker.

What does the dog bioresonance allergy test look like?

It actually looks like nothing I’ve imagined. There’s only one vet clinic in our city that does these tests so we scheduled an appointment and prepared according to the instructions.

We were instructed to bring samples of everything Gino was consuming at the time: his current food, his previous food, water he was drinking and treats if he had any. I just put everything in small transparent plastic bags and made sure none of them were leaking!

And then we arrived at the vet clinic. I was told that the whole thing is going to last for about 2 hours which was a big surprise! As I said, this bioresonance test wasn’t like anything I expected: a machine, lots of instruments and cables and tens of different small glass bottles filled with various food and other stuff.

It’s very important to keep your dog calm during this test. The woman who was performing the bioresonance test started the procedure by attaching a special device on Gino’s body – it was a flexible electrode that calmed him down. And then we waited for about 10-15 minutes.

Substance testing

When Gino calmed down, the practitioner showed me test kits; sets of vials that include actual substances that may be used for diagnosis of dog allergies. She took each vial and put it one by one inside of the main machine that has been connected to all other instruments.

Every time she put a vial inside of the main machine, she used a pendulum and held it between Gino and a special magnet to observe direction in which it started moving – if the pendulum moved up and down, that showed no body reaction, but if it started swinging from right to left, then this implied that the substance was potentially problematic.

It takes at least a minute or two to test each vial and there are tens of different ones, which is why this test takes so long.

When we finished testing for substances in predefined test kits, the practitioner took samples that we brought with us and performed the testing with them as well.

Gino remained very calm

I was surprised Gino was lying on the floor calmly all the time, which is very unusual for him. The whole experience was very relaxing. He kept that relaxation magnetic device on his body the entire time, so I guess that helped a lot.

Bioresonance Test Results

Test results showed that Gino was potentially allergic to zucchini, beans, carrots, pumpkin, and a few other common veggies and dairy. It was really interesting that the test didn’t show any meat allergies, which are the most common in dogs. We initially thought he had allergic reactions to chicken and salmon.

The results helped Gino’s nutritionist adjust the diet accordingly.

However, so far, we haven’t found the right diet combination yet (the test was done in summer 2019), BUT this test was super important for helping us uncover some of the clues into Gino’s allergies.

We figured that his excessive tearing problem isn’t necessarily linked with food but possibly with some other environmental allergens. 

After doing the food elimination diet, we now know that we’ve done everything we could in terms of ruling out food allergy and have since moved to blood testing and immunotherapy. So you can expect some new update from us in the near future.

***Important note: I will publish blood test results as soon as Gino receives them! That way we’ll be able to cross-check the results of bioresonance test vs. blood test. 

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That’s a first-hand experience review on bioresonance test for dog allergies. As you can see, it is not science-based, however, when dealing with our dogs’ health we ought to try everything there is to help us figure out what is going on with our fur baby.

Of course, you should be cautious when interpreting the results of such methods and look at them from a holistic perspective.

But, looking at these results can help you better understand your dog allergies and other health-related issues. A bio-resonance test is a non-invasive procedure so there is basically no downside.

We hope this review expanded your view a bit and showed you that a bio-resonance test for dogs can be an alternative way of figuring out what your dog might be allergic to.

Will you use it to test your dog’s allergies?

Which methods have you tried already? Have we missed any?

Let us know your experiences in the comments below.

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